Monday, May 20, 2013


I've been composing this post for quite some time, but am just now getting around to it.  GG and I have done some babysitting recently!  And really enjoyed it!

We got a chance to babysit little K about a month ago.  His mom and dad, K & E, were in town for a business thing, and if I understood correctly, E was recognized with an award.  Clearly I had my Grandma hat on, because I was much more interested in getting to spend time with K!  We spent much of the day hanging out in the Kirkwood area, just walking around, going into stores.  K got to see 2 trains!  Plus we all got to see the fire truck up close!  I, for one, had never sat inside one before.  They are BIG and there is a LOT of things going on inside of one!  I have a huge amount of respect for our first responders, and the very gracious fireman who welcomed us in has been fighting fires for about 30 years.  We heard a story or two, which I'm sure didn't even make a dent in his repretoire, but I would have enjoyed buying him a beer or coffee and just listened to him.  The babysitting came in the evening while K & E were at a banquet.  GG, K and I went to Plaza Frotenac for dinner, and while the wait was supposed to only be about 20 minutes, we actually left after waiting about 70 minutes.  But K never fussed once.  This little guy must have walked about 2 miles all around the outside of Canyon Cafe while we waited - climbing stairs, opening and closing big doors, charming everyone around and pushing his stroller.  Except he wanted to push it from the handles like big people do, so here's a pic of GG helping K push his stroller...
You may not be able to tell it too well from this pic (I have got to work on my picture taking skills!) but GG is holding K high enough so he can reach this handle, which means his feet are hovering about 8" off the floor.  Fun for K...maybe a bit hard on GG's back, but hey, we're grandparents!  We don't notice such things!

We also got a chance to babysit J recently, too, which as any new mother knows, is always a bigger deal for Mama than for baby.  I don't have a pic from that visit, but I do have a cute pic from one other visit with J - bathtime!  J likes taking a bath.  I have a video, too, but I didn't do such a good job of aiming, if you get what I mean, so I won't post that here.  Parts of the video might embarass J someday, so I'll stick with this little one.
I just love baby smiles!  I'm a fan!

I am also a fan of babysitting grandkiddos.  We get to see the Springfield, MO, set this weekend and then AJ gets to meet J next weekend, and all of that means that I get to see these 4 grandsons again very soon! 

That's all for now.  I'm sure there's more stuff going on that I could post about, but I've just sorta felt like saying I love these grandkids of ours!

Grandma Deb/Mimi/Jus' Deb