Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy! Happy! Birthday to S!

S - my first born - S's birthday is today!  I was 21 years old when I had him.  Seems unbelieveable.  As of today, he is 10 years older than I was when I had him.  Where did the time go?

I believe S's main gift to himself this year is a haircut.  Or a hair shave, really.
I like it!  I really like it!

But this isn't one of my Top 5 Things I love about Steve...those pre-date the recent shave by a long shot.

# 5 - He reminds me of my brother, B.  We lost B a little over a year ago, but I see B in S almost every time I see S.  His facial expressions...the way he thinks...his love of tech and art...his Renaissance ways...his love for A...his service in the church... B's widow sent two very nice coats to S, and it makes me very pleased for S to have them.   S never had much of a chance to spend time with B to know him well, but I assure you.  B never had a son, and S is his own man, but much of B can be seen in S.

# 4 - S loves the unique.  Unique Pie Night choices.  Strange Donuts.  Lesser known bands.  Pursuing unique skills and talents.  As A likes to put it, she married a real Renaissance man.

# 3 - S asks great questions.  I will always love and appreciate our conversations when he was in college and working.  Deep questions - about life and work and church and God and Scripture and friendships and his future wife and the kind of father he will be.  That?  Those conversations?  Those questions?  That's the good stuff.  Even though I intentionally didn't try to answer all of those questions, I knew I could leave some unanswered because he has a heart that searches.  He seems to have a profound sense that he only goes through this life once, so he wants to "carpe diem" like the best of 'em!
# 2 - S knows tech.  S is one of those guys who just plain gets tech.  Sound tech.  Lighting tech.  Video tech.  Work tech.  And he helps people do tech stuff cause of # 1 below. (I sound so techy right now, don't I?)

And the # 1 thing I love about S...

...S thinks relationship.  From gifts to games to letters to art to tech, he likes cool but he prizes relationship more.  He has a keen understanding that people matter.  Most.  More than technology.  More than music.  More than cool.  Each of those things are about connecting with people, building relationships.

And now for the Top 5 Things I would give S for his birthday if time, money and resources were no issue...

# 5 - A lifetime membership to the Coffee of the Month Club plus a membership to the Beer of the Month Club plus a membership to the Semi-annual Scotch Club.  Not that I'm saying S is a snob in any of those areas.  No, not at all.

# 4 - His very own tech room where he could simulate the acoustics of any venue and play with the settings to his heart's content plus teach others how to do what he does.

# 3 - A house in just the right location and just large enough that he and A can combine their love for urban missions with their love for redeeming family, building that safe haven for all the children God lays on their heart to bring into this world and care for by whatever means they come into our lives.

Which, if you think about it, could be the Brady Bunch house.  Not the decor or the fashions, but the bones of that house?  Very cool.  It is a great house!  I have loved this house my whole life!  It was Great Room before Great Room was cool, ya know?  (I've been thinking about this a lot lately as a matter of fact...)

# 2 - Make arrangements for him to meet his heroes of worship and sound production.  Not that I know those names, but he does.  And that's all that matters.

And the # 1 thing I would give S for this birthday if time, money and resources were no issue...

...A few extra hours every week.  About 10 aught to do it.  Time that he can spend just on himself.  He spends so much time working and serving others that I fear he gets neglected...that he gives up time he needs to replenish himself whether that is time by himself or with others.  A does an amazing job as his wife, taking care of his needs, but she is also one who spends a lot of time working and serving others, so I would give her the same 10 hours - cause really it would be bad for husband and wife to live in alternate time universes, but now I'm getting way too metaphysical for this blog, so I will stop right there, but I think you get the point.
I love you, S.  I could not be more proud of you and more happy for the life you have been building, are building with A now and will build in the future together.  I hope your birthday is wonderful and that you know you are loved and celebrated by not just me, but many.

Happy!  Happy!  Birthday to S!

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