Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thinking About Mothers

Mother's Day is coming soon.  And I have baked four different kinds of cookies for this week's Mother's Day cookie feature.  I will blog tomorrow and Saturday with the recipes and step by step pics for two of these cookies, but tonight I'd like to talk about mothers and all the good things that they deserve and why I chose the cookies that I did.  

Motherhood can be thought about in stages, beginning with pregnancy itself or the adoption process - that wonderful time when mothers spend time dreaming and planning, preparing and nesting, queasy and craving.  And while I haven't lived through the adoption process personally, my guess is that all of those things apply to adoptive mothers as well, including the queasiness from time to time!  

Then we get to these other stages....

·       Mothers of young ones – those who breastfeed and those who do not; those who are so committed to nursing that they pump while they are at work.  I have a special place in my heart for those young mothers since I did so with my first born – back in the day when it wasn’t cool to breastfeed much less pump, and there weren’t rooms at the office with locked doors or even electric breast pumps.  That’s right, baby!  I am one touch chick, pumping these girls with a hand pump!  (Is that TMI?)

·    Mothers of school-aged children – those who home school and those who send their children to private school and those who send their children to public school.  Each avenue requires diligence to know what each child needs.  And that can and very likely will change from year to year, sometimes even day to day. 

·    Mothers of college students – the "kids" have left home, but they haven’t left home.  And you cry because they've left home.  And you worry about them, but you’re also proud of them.  I believe that I cried for the first solid hour driving back home after dropping S off at school in St. Joseph, MO, because somehow I knew that she would be one who would never move back home.  And sure enough she didn't.  I also cried because she was another “parent” in our home – another parental-like “heart” if you will, because of our particular circumstances.  I couldn't have articulated all of that at the moment B & I walked out of S's dorm, but it was all part of those tears.  We mothers?  We cry – for our children.  Sad tears.  Angry tears.  Good tears.  Even tears we don’t always understand, but it’s all part of what makes us who we are.

·    Mothers of adult children – be they married or not; be they well established in their careers; be they struggling to figure out where they belong.  We never truly stop parenting, but somehow we need to stop simply because we know it’s no longer our job.  We've done what we could – right or wrong – and usually bits of both.  But it's a transition stage like all of the others.

·    And finally grandmothers – just about the ultimate reward for all of the other stages!  We get to do those things with our grandchildren that we never had time to do with our own children.  We grandmothers don’t hear the clock ticking in our head 24/7.  The clock stops when those grandchildren are around - or maybe it reverses.  We can’t seem to cram enough time in with our little ones as we’d really like – we can’t get enough snuggles and kisses, can’t get enough tickles and laughter, can’t get enough wonder and joy from everything being new, can’t get enough of reading books and bedtime prayers.  It’s never enough.  For we – perhaps because we can look back and remember – perhaps because we feel younger on the inside than we look on the outside – we get just how quickly each stage appears and disappears into the next one.

For all these reasons – I've been thinking about all the good things that mothers deserve. 

For all of the tough days, mothers deserve something that makes us melt – or that at least almost melts in our mouths.  And a little bling added in with that melt is never a bad thing.  For this, I give you Lemon Snowballs – or more affectionately known as Lemon Bling from the glitter!  Can you see the glitter?

Here is the glitter being mixed in with the powdered sugar and lemonade mix just in case you can't see it on the cookies.
If you'd like the recipe for these, here is the recipe for Lemon Bling!  These really are a nice blend of tart and sweet that just about melt in your mouth!

For all of the sweet days, mothers deserve something that celebrates that sweetness even more.  For this, I give you Amaretti – two ways!  

One way – the original – in all of its delicate sweet glory – for those days that are sweet from their simplicity.  And the other way – covered in dark chocolate and extra sliced almonds – for those days that are sweet from an adventure.  (PS - these are one of my favoritest cookies!) It is a SUPER easy recipe (as long as you have a food processor...) amaretti cookies - and if you don't have a food processor, then I can highly recommend the amaretti that my friend offers on Etsy by Nonna Vincenza - or really ANY of her traditional Italian cookies!

For all of the grown up days – or those days when mothers see glimpses of growing either in themselves or their children (or more likely both), I give you Cheese Straws – full of sharp cheddar cheese and peppery spice to bring a slight amount of warmth to the back of our throats – just the sort of thing to make us ponder and appreciate the complexities of life.  
I will share the recipe and step by step of this one tomorrow along with the comments from today.  These were a real hit!

And simply because all mothers deserve diamonds every now and again – just because! – I give you Crystal Diamonds – a sweet, slightly chewy, slightly citrusy, rather addictive little treat well suited for garnishing ice cream sundaes.  All together now…sigh.  I will share these on Saturday.  These are a keeper!

Yes, mothers.  Can we ever honor them enough?  Of course not. That's why we celebrate Mother's Day every year and not just once every 50 years.  It is the most rewarding and joyous and difficult and painful and exhilarating and amazing adventure a woman could ever hope to experience.  And mothers LOVE to see cookies from their family made with love and spice and bling!  

Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you come back soon for the cheese straws and crystal diamond recipes!  Or perhaps get inspired for another something to bake for the mothers in your life!

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