First, I got to watch little J-man Saturday morning. We had a really fun time, building and knocking down towers, taking a stroller ride through the neighborhood and counting the peaches on the trees. (It is very few this year. If I think about it too long, it will make me sad.) We also shared breakfast together. After eating eggs and biscuit, I gave J-man some Honey Nut Cheerios for "dessert". But it was really the little bowl I served them in that were the most fun.
This is a Le Creuset bowl.
Just the perfect size for little hands.
I dumped out all of the Cheerios, Mimi.
Look at this bowl, Mimi. It is more interesting than the Cheerios. I can squeeze it!
I can pull it this way, too, Mimi!
I think I need to send Le Creuset this video, asking them if they have considered using little cuties as their spokes models for these genius little bowls! (They are also really great for pouring things like sprinkles and sparkling sugars and other baking things!)
Second, my son-in-law, K, took my youngest, B, out to a gun range today. When B first told me of their plans, I asked, "K does know you are legally blind, right?" Her answer was something like "K says the range will be almost empty on a Monday."
And so clearly with logic like that, what else could I say?
Thankfully K recorded today's events.
If I was savvy like K, I could tell you what B is shooting.
But I'm not, so I will simply say "B shot little guns. And B shot bigger guns. And B has shot more bullets than I ever have."
And she did hit the target. Not too bad for her first time as a legally blind shooter.
And K seems to think that B has a future as a "gangsta"....
So how did you spend Mother's Day weekend?
Should this have been two posts?
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