...is 22 years old today!
This is our last entry in the birthday posts for while that have been frequent over the last few weeks, but this is B's turn to read The Top 5 Things I Love About B.
Or....since B doesn't do FB or really read these blog posts it is B's turn to NOT read The Top 5 Things I Love About B. But that's ok.
The Top 5 Things I Love About B..
# 5 - B now wears jeans. Even without being asked.
Now that may not seem like such a big deal if you don't happen to know B well, but for those of us who do, it is a big deal. Trust us.
# 4 - B "loves" to have her picture taken. Really.
Trust me on this, too. See, here's further proof.
Want one more? I could go on like this for a while...
# 2 - B is J-man's buddy. She loves J-man, and I love watching her love him.
And the # 1 Thing That I Love About B...
# 1 - I feel like that as long as I've know B, she has always had the ability to cut through the fluff and get to the bottom line. B may not say much, but when she does, usually it is very perceptive and worth listening to.
Now before I begin to tell you the Top 5 Things I Would Give B if Time, Money and Resources Were No Object, I have to tell you what she actually requested for her birthday. B is the one of my 4 children that will take the longest to answer the "What would you like for your birthday?" question. She never has had an answer at the ready. This year was no different. I'm not saying that all of the rest of my children are greedy or selfish; I'm simply saying that normally their answers came much quicker. Fair enough all?
After thinking for 4 days about this question, she finally answered me tonight with these 3 requests:
- A trip to Fazoli's.
- A trip to Books-A-Million.
- Sugar cookies - which mean chocolate chip cookies sans chocolate chips.
This girl lives big, I tell ya. BIG. Nay, LARGE.
So now for the Top 5 Things I Would Give B if Time, Money and Resources Were No Object:
# 5 - A love for foods with color. It wouldn't have to be green foods, per se, but red would be nice at least for a start...something other than white foods. And I would make all of the foods with color taste like white foods.
# 4 - Her very own Books-A-Million store that she could walk to through a shaded avenue. However it could potentially be only a Books-A-Hundred-Thousand since it would only need to be stocked with Sci-Fi and Mysteries and Comic Books. We could skip the Cookbooks, Literature, Chick-Lit, History, etc. for her store. Oh, we could include a children's book section so J-man could enjoy trips to B-A-H-T with B.
# 3 - Unlimited time with K. Cause K broadens B's world in many, many ways.
# 2 - A Day with the Superhero of her choice and/or the actor who plays her Superhero of choice. Which is not the same as saying a "Day with her Favorite Superhero" for B is "anti-favorite." She doesn't do favorites. That is much too restrictive, ya see. Maybe it is all part of her living LARGE worldview....
And the # 1 Thing I Would Give B if Time, Money and Resources Were No Object...
Happy Birthday B!
ReplyDeleteThank you, Brooke!