And like this!
Or this!
If peaches are just about your most favorite fruit EVER, then picking them is like Christmas morning for G!
That there is like 2 peaches in 1 or a mama peach and her baby....
Wanna see how many peaches we got? Here are SOME of them!
Look at these beauties!
Christmas morning ended up looking like this when we left the peach trees and started heading to the blackberries...
We picked 2 varieties of blackberries - Chesters and Triple Crowns. Yum! There were plenty that weren't yet ripe, but look between those leave and behind the red ones, and you'll see one that's perfect for picking!
These blackberries were so ripe that it was almost like picking blackberry wine...except that you didn't need a glass. Guess which box G picked and which one I picked?
Remember who was celebrating Christmas morning, and you should be able to tell! I was happy to lay on a picnic table while G kept celebrating for another 20 minutes or so.
I want you to know. G didn't just celebrate Christmas by picking. He helped wash and cut up all of this gorgeous fruit for the freezer! I peeled, and he sliced. Oh, and there was LOTS of yummy peach juice that may or may not have been turned into some daiquiris....cause we are celebrating Peach Month! I believe the last count was 5 half-gallon bags of blackberries frozen and 16 bags of peaches! How soon is Pie Night???
Someone else has been celebrating Peach Month, too....two-fisted celebrating... Mimi had to share peaches especially since little man has that cast on his left leg. He's doing an amazing job of coping with it, by the way - such a little trooper!
Can you see the juice running down his arm? These peaches were just about the tastiest, sweetest, juiciest, most gorgeous peaches we'd ever seen! If you look closely, there is a drop of sweet peach juice hanging from J-man's elbow....so sweet!
So how did I make this peach pie last week?
Easy, I tell ya! I didn't do anything wild and crazy, but if you are interested, here are the ingredients I used:
5 - 7 peaches (depending upon their size....if yours are the size we picked up at Eckert's last weekend, 1 or 2 might be enough!)
1/2 - 3/4 cup of brown sugar - depending upon the sweetness and ripeness of your peaches
1/4 cup of white sugar
3 T. corn starch
3 T. flour
3/4 t. ginger
1/2 t. cinnamon
1/4 t. nutmeg
1/4 t. salt
Splash of almond and vanilla
3/4 cup of the peach puree I made in this post on the Peach Cheesecake. If you don't have that puree, you may add a bit of pineapple juice if your peaches aren't juicy enough. If they are plenty juicy, then this step can be skipped.
I simply combined all of the above...
I wanted a lattice crust, so I followed the same steps I illustrated in this post from February. I actually made 2 pies - one for work and one for G....
Thanks for your patience with me in getting this posted. Here's hoping that you are celebrating Peach Month yourself. Merry Christmas in August!!!
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