G is spending his birthday in New Zealand this year! I'm not sure how many birthdays G has spent in places other than the good ol' US of A, but I'm at least aware that this isn't the first. J will be joining him in a few weeks, cause they are wild, crazy world travelers like that.
I have confessed before that I have been THE WORST at sending birthday cards to G on time or even late through the years. But I don't have an address for him in New Zealand this year, so I'm hoping the WWW will help me out to wish him a Happy! Happy! with the Top 5 Things I Love About G...
# 5 - G is one of the smartest people I have ever known. He has amazing recall of things he has read or learned, be it important or trivial. He is the only person I know who would make a really great contestant on Jeopardy!
# 4 – His love for life!
G exudes a zest for life in most anything he does – be it work or study
or play or eating. You can simply watch
him relish that he is alive and able to taste the flavor of something, old or
new to him. He is one of the first people
I think of when I hear the phrase “Carpe diem.”
G lives it.
# 3 – Despite oftentimes being the smartest person in the
room, G remains one of the most approachable people in the room. He never lets
his natural intelligence turn into pride or speaking down to people. In fact, that leads me to my # 2…
# 2 – His love for children of all ages and
backgrounds. He especially has a tender
heart for the littles ones among us, and they respond very warmly to his
obvious love for each individual one. As much as he loves all children, he
still obviously loves his own best of all.
His absolute best laughs and joy comes out when he is around his girls
and their husbands and their little ones.
(PS – he has a new little one on the way very, very soon! So exciting!!!)
And the # 1 Thing I Love About G…
# 1 – His love for his wife.
I wrote here a bit about their marriage and how these are two people
who are one in the truest sense of the word when it comes to marriage
unity. And that inspires me, but it also
gives me that deep, down sense of security that I know my sister is loved. Always.
Now for the Top 5 Things I Would Give G for His Birthday if
Time, Money and Resources Were No Object…
# 5 – A portable, pocket size piano that could be turned
into a full-size, 88-key piano with a drop of water. But after say 2 hours, it would offer the
owner the option of returning to pocket size or remaining full size. G travels a LOT, but he also plays the piano very well,
which is not exactly the most portable of instruments to play. So a pocket-sized one could go with him
whenever the mood to play strikes him.
# 4 – A New Flavor of the Month Club membership for
life. For his carpe diem self.
# 3 – A library. With
room for ALL of the books he loves and wants to read. Plus shelves for the books he has authored. And the children’s section would be the best
of all, and children wouldn’t have to be quiet.
# 2 – An African safari – cause I think that may be the only
place on this here earth he hasn’t been!
And the # 1 Thing That I Would Give G for His Birthday if
Time, Money and Resources Were No Object…
# 1 – A teleportation machine so he could be instantly
wherever he needed to be and still get home every night. G is one busy man, and has spent untold hours
simply getting from one place to the next.
He could use the teleportation machine if he wanted t,o or not if he
wanted the travel time because of his zest for life and seeing new places. It is just sorta nice to have the options.
Love you, G! I hope your birthday is Happy! Happy! And that you do something uniquely New Zealand to celebrate it! I have no idea what that would be, but I also have no doubt that you can figure it out!
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