Monday, December 15, 2014

Happy! Happy! (Late) Birthday to C!

I had hoped to post this on Friday, but alas, I was enjoying the Straight No Chaser concert at the Fox PLUS working on the 3rd and final Pie Night for 2014 PLUS packing up for a trip to Springfield, MO PLUS Christmas shopping and wrapping PLUS baking a blueberry stollen for our Christmas brunch Saturday morning PLUS meeting our newest grandson PLUS maybe one or two other things like working, and somehow this post never got completed until tonight.


So with my apologies to C, I am finally giving her a birthday greeting post.

Oh - wait - one more Deb Disclaimer.  I honestly didn't know G's sister, C, very well last year when she had a birthday - yes, she had one then, too! - so I didn't write one of my birthday blog posts then for her.  But after spending some more time with her this year, I know her much better - YEA!  So now she gets to of these...Top 5 Birthday Posts!  Hope you enjoy C!

Without further ado here are...

The Top 5 Things I Love About C...

# 5 C is a shopper.  I’m not sure if it is in the genes for G and C, but these two can shop and leave me in the dust!  They both have really good taste, which is great for me, cause they choose and I just get to enjoy what they chose!  Win-Win!

# 4  She loves to care for people.  Being a nurse isn’t just her profession; it embodies her love to provide comfort, care, healing and restoration to everyone around her.

# 3 C is generous.  In our weekend together if I tried to list all of the things that she gave us, I am sure I would leave something out.  Belts.  A hand vac.  Folding chairs.  Lotions.  Bath scrubs.  And I know there were more things.  And she was just really happy to give them to us.

# 2 She laughs easily.  She has seen enough stuff from her profession as well as her personal life that she could be bitter if she desired to be.  But C has intentionally chosen to find the humor in life and laugh and share joy rather than sadness.

And the # 1 Thing I Love About C...
# 1 Her love for God.  He is constantly on her mind and in her words and in her deeds.  

Now for the Top 5 Things I Would Give C if Time, Money and Resources Were No Object...

# 5 A puppy.  I’m not entirely sure why and she doesn’t really have time for a puppy, but I just think she would enjoy the playfulness of a puppy in her life.  And since she doesn’t really have time for one, I would also give her a full-time care giver for said puppy so all she would have to do is enjoy the puppy cuteness!

# 4 A date with a Godly single man every Friday night.  Until she found the right one.  And I would have a lot of fun interviewing these guys to see if they were fun enough and wise enough for our Miss C.

# 3 A massage.  Cause massages.

# 2 My personal Excel assistance for all of her expense and workload activity tracking. I could provide her with her own SAP setup to do this tracking and then run it for her so she just had to approve or reject things on her SAP mobile app, but that would make me sound like the geek that I really am.  And everyone knows that being an Excel geek is way cooler than being an SAP geek.

And the # 1 Thing I Would Give C if Time, Money and Resources Were No Object...

# 1 More time off!  This lady works a lot of hours and spends a lot of time in her car for her job, and being a nurse, of course, there really is no such thing as weekends and holidays.  So thankful we got to share one of those precious weekends with her this year!

Happy!  Happy!  Birthday, C!  I hope it was happy and that you are still celebrating!!!

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