It's another snow day here in St. Louis. We've had quite a few of these this Winter, and I gotta say. I have mixed feelings. I am done with Winter. Done. Winter has made itself known this year. Big time. And I admit - it was due. Last year was very mild by any winter's comparison, so there was a sense in which we could give Winter a pass for a bit bigger hurrah this year.
But now. Now? I think Winter should be done. Done letting us know how powerful it is. Done saying "I rule from November to March!" Done talking. Period. Just done. Spring needs her chance.
Yes, Winter is an it, but Spring is female. Spring has her softer side like flowers and butterflies and Easter dresses and peep toes, but she also has her temperamental side like storms and tornadoes. At least her temper tantrums are generally short lived followed by tears (rain) and a sense of relief. All in all, rather female tendencies.
No, I have not determined the gender of Summer and Fall yet. Summer is a child - so neither male nor female - and Fall is gentle and middle-aged (after the middle-life crisis is over) - so again neither male nor female.
But back to Winter, and my mixed feelings. While I am done, there is a bit of melancholy for me today because I do like snow days. And no other season gives us snow days.
Snow days when you join the masses at the grocery store the day before to stock up on milk, eggs, bread and something to put on the stove. Yesterday the debate was Taco Soup of Chili.
Deb makes Taco Soup.
G makes Chili.
Decision made.
And sure enough when I come out of the shower this morning, G is in the kitchen cutting up Chuck Roast to start on the chili.
Sexiest. Sight. Ever. (But I won't include a pic, because this is a G-rated blog.) You're welcome.
Snow days and cold weather also mean soup. Like chicken chowder. Or Key Lime Soup.
I know, that looks like Key Lime Pie. Complete with a lime garnish. This was made by my friend, K, from the Mothers and Daughters. We got together again this week, and the theme was soup. We had both Taco Soup...
And K brought some yummy beer bread...
and dessert. Key Lime Pie.
Except....and K knows this, because we laughed quite a bit about it when we were together - it was a Weight Watchers recipe so it was only 6 points...and it wasn't was, ZESTY!...and it was limey...but it...well, let's just say that K was getting in the spirit of our soup night. Yes, that's it! A spoon was the serving utensil of choice!
Some of you reading this may think I am being mean by my comments about this if I had a video blog, you would see and hear all of the laughter as we were feasting on K's dessert!
I LOVE you, K! Happy Birthday!! Your smile is one of the most beautiful I have ever seen!
So see why I have a few mixed feelings? Snow days mean hanging out with G, making soup or chili and baking bread, remembering fun-filled evenings laughing with good friends.
Don't get me wrong. I am done with Winter. That is the over-arching feeling. I am ready for Spring, and her warmer temps and her fresh colors and green grass and asparagus and her fresh strawberries and coloring Easter Eggs and Cinco de Mayo. Storms and tornadoes notwithstanding, it is Spring's turn! Right?
Who's with me on this?
So, Winter, you get today, but it is time for you to be movin' on.
Thank you. This public service message brought to you by Deb's Dissertations.
Stay warm all! And keep believing in Spring! She is just around the corner. I'm sure of it...
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