Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Happy! Happy! Birthday Boy K!

This handsome fellow turns 30 today!

K has been in our lives for about 6-ish years.  I forget exactly when he came into our lives, but S&K have been married for almost 5 years now. They were together at least a year before that wonderful day, but K fits so nicely into our family that I forget when he first joined.  And that's a good thing!  A very good thing indeed!  

We love you K!  Here are 5 things that you have taught me - and it's hard to choose only 5, since you have taught me quite a bit!

5 - Find the fun and humor in everything.  And I do mean everything.  

Whether that is recalling that Jacks in the Box are everywhere...

...or tending bar with a special panache and  flair...

4 - How to build a train.  Or at least how to build a cake that looks like a train.

That was such fun!  Here is a link to that progress story...good times!

3 - Remember the "good ol' days".

Trains.  Preserving military vehicles.  Restoring cars.  Old guns.  The list is way longer than phone booths.  History.  Remember it.

2 - When your wife needs a farmhouse table to seat "everyone", build it for her.

And # 1 - Teach.  K isn't "officially" a teacher of anyone or any subject.  Doesn't matter.  K is a natural.  And he is always teaching simply by living and sharing.  K has a love for learning that runs deep.  And it is contagious, because he makes learning FUN!  I have lost count of the number of times K has devoted free weekends to attending historical events, re-enactments, festivals and parades to share living history with anyone who will listen, learn and experience.  And I have no doubt that all who have taken the time to interact with K have gained much in knowledge and joy and fun.  And that - my friends - is the sign of a true teacher.

Yep, we love you K!  We hope you have a WONDERFUL birthday, and we look forward to sharing your 30's with you!  Happy!  Happy!

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