Monday, November 14, 2011

Friends...and more friends

Today I am particularly thankful for friends. 

Friends who send sympathy cards.  We lost my brother to cancer a week ago.  I haven't really told a lot of people, but those who have heard have given cards to let me know they cared.  Thoughtfulness is humbling.

Friends who are happy for me when good things are happening in my life, even if those good things seem to be happening very fast.

Friends who help when you need to buy a new water heater, but you don't have the first clue where to begin.  So they meet you at Home Depot and ask lots of good questions to find the right one and the parts to go with it.  See, I could build a water heater out of cake, but I am no good at real ones.

Friends who know other friends.  Like B.  He came over and installed the water heater.  And even got shocked in the process, because of some "helpful" engineering that my dad attached to the old water heater some 20+ years ago.  Long story....he was trying to be efficient...his heart was in the right place even if his results were's leave it at not so helpful.  But B made all of that helpful go away...which is actually really and truly helpful.

Yep, today I am thankful for friends.  Very thankful.

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