Thursday, October 24, 2013

An Herb Story

Or is that A Herb Story?  (There really is an answer.  Look it up here if you're curious if I got it right or not.)

Once up a time, there was an herb garden.  It lived in a little landscaping box and was tended by G and Deb.  G did the planting, and the weeding and the mulching.  Deb did the cutting and the using of the herbs.  Deb would pick basil and make pesto to freeze in ice cube trays - regular pesto and pesto with sundried tomatoes.  Either one gives such a boost of flavor to soups like minstrone or tomato.  Deb would cut rosemary for roasted garlic potatoes.  She would hum a happy tune as she picked thyme to flavor chicken or green beans.  Nearly every time Deb would clip a few springs of oregano, she would smile again about an old Andy Griffith episode where he has dinner with several different town residents all on the same night, and they are all serving spaghetti - and the secret ingredient in each of their homemade sauces (cause who had heard of jarred sauce back then???) was oregano.  Deb doesn't remember hardly any other Andy Griffith episode, but she remembers this one quite well.

One day it came time to harvest all of the herbs because colder weather was coming.  So Deb got out her sheers and headed to the garden.  It was somewhat of a bittersweet day - almost like going to the fair and spending all of your money.  For Deb feels rich while the herb garden is growing.  Deb loves possibilities, and herb gardens are like fairs or like loaves of bread rising on the counter in that way - FULL of possibility!  But when the herbs are all cut or you've ridden all the rides or the loaf of bread is all baked, then there is a tinge of sadness that comes over Deb for the possibilities have been somehow diminished.  See how sad?
The upper left-hand corner of this used to be all of this basil...

And the lower left-hand corner used to be all of this rosemary...

The center used to be all of this parsley...flat leaf and curly...

And the upper right-hand corner used to be sage...Deb loves sage.  Is it Thanksgiving yet?

And now they are all gone.  They have all been picked.  Sigh.  Heavy sigh....

But wait!  Deb knows how to dry herbs in a slow oven or microwave either one!  Glory be, it's a great day again!  Possibilities abound yet again! 
And they all lived happily ever after.
The End.

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