Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Little Ones at Play

I started to post something about, "you know you're too busy when..." with entries like...

...you realize AFTER you've just gotten off the phone with your ex-mother-in-law that you forgot her birthday the day before.  Ugh.

...THAT reminder reminds you that you are consistently a horrible sister-in-law to G, cause you almost always fail to send a card on time or at all for his birthday.  Double Ugh.

...you can't pick up the sista who named your pie night from the airport.

...you've spent more time recently coloring Santa cookie cutter samples trying to figure out if it's a profile or a front face view than buying a birthday card for your ex-mother-in-law.
And you decide it should be a front face view - that the bump on the left hand side isn't his nose...

But I decided that nobody would want to read that, and I didn't need to remind folks that I can be very scatterbrained and/or lost in my own thoughts about what I want to create to the point that I fail at the most basic levels of family, friendship and caring.  Sigh.
Nope, I'm not going to blog about that.  The above narrative is simply a mirage.  It isn't really there.  I promise you.
Instead I'm going to attempt to upload two videos to this here blog taken recently of little grandsons at play. 
O-Man TV
I shot this my birthday morning.  It's simply watching the O-man play with blocks and name the animals on the blocks.  His vocabulary has EXPLODED recently, which is just so stinkin' fun to watch.  About 2 minutes in he starts to say "bid it" (build it), and because he's really serious about building it, he lays down on his tummy so he can focus.  It is so cute to watch these mannerisms develop in little ones.  He does the same thing if he really wants to pay close attention to a specific book - which makes it even more pronounced since he is such a lover of books already.  Nothing major or earth-shattering or hilarious happens on this video...but it is heartwarming in its simplicity.

J-Man TV
And make no mistake about it.  J-Man likes J-Man TV.  I had the pleasure of watching little J on Friday, and captured this little snipit of him learning to crawl.  He doesn't so much crawl on hands and knees, even though it is a bit more stable than hands and feet, but he gets where he wants to go and doesn't get frustrated by the gettin' there.  Again - nothing major or hilarious...another little one at play, doing what little ones are supposed to do...play and learn and grow...

Hope these a) came through successfully; and b) made you forget all about how well I mess up; and c) make you smile for two little guys who are growing well - just like they're supposed to. 

And THAT, my friends, is something to smile about and celebrate!

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