Sunday, December 6, 2015

Birthday Boy R!

Happy!  Happy!  Birthday to R!


Now before I begin to talk about 5 things that I have learned from R, let me admit up front that this man will most likely never read this, because quite frankly R doesn't have time to read this!  He is currently working 1.x full-time jobs / ministry, plus raising 3 boys, plus being a loving husband.  R doesn't have time for a birthday today much less to read this!  But in case he gets 3 minutes of "free" time, here are 5 things I've learned from or about R.

5 - Gaming is serious business.  Seriously.  R knows games.  He is even helping to develop a game that they hope to take to market someday.  Who does this?  R.  R does this.  Cause he be cool like dat.

4 - Gaming is all about relationships.  R has taught us many games - and done so very patiently.  We would so be gaming rookies for the collection in R's arsenal, but he never even so much as rolls his eyes at us when we are learning.  Cause gaming is about building relationships.  And R knows this full well.

3 - Music is life.  Not just a part of life.  Not just R's life.  Music is life.  Have you ever thought about where music came from?  How it started?  Why our voices (to various degrees of "enjoyment"!) can make music?  Did you know that the Bible talks about God singing over us?  I've heard pastors talk about how God didn't just speak creation into being but sang creation into being.  I like that idea.  It makes perfect sense to me that something as amazing as creation would elicit poetry and song.  It has for centuries by men, so why wouldn't it have done so from the Originator, the Creator?  Yep, music is life.

2 - Give until you have nothing else to give and then give a bit more.  Cause God's supply never runs out.

1 - Trust God.  Period.  He is leading - even if all we see is enough light to lamp our feet.  (Psalm. 119:105)
Happy!  Happy!  Birthday R!  We hope it is WONDERFUL and love you very much!  Like your dad says frequently, we are so proud of you, and I am one grateful lady to know you.  Thanks for letting your kiddos call me Grandma.  Warms my heart more than I could ever express.  Love you all!

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