Wednesday, December 16, 2015

"Birthday" Girl P

This is one of those birthday posts that is way overdue so I'm making up for it now.  P is one of my "adopted" daughters, and her birthday was last month,!  Happy!  "Birthday" now!

I don't have many pics of P (something I need to remedy!), but here she is at her "sister's' wedding...

...and here she is at Pie Night 2013...P has never missed one!

I do have one more from Pie Night this year when Auntie P, aka The Baby Whisperer, took the kiddos downstairs to play.  All these kiddos don't phase Auntie P!  She LOVES it!

So this is an overdue birthday post, which means that I am sharing 5 things I have learned from P.  And trust me, P has taught me a LOT, so it was easy to find 5 things that she has taught me.  The hard part was deciding on only 5!

5 - Retail "math".  You may thing 500 + 100 - 75 = 525.  But trust me, it often = 356 and P has taught me to accept such things.

4 - How to read EDI.  If you don't know what EDI means, that's ok.  I don't read it as often or as well as P, but she taught me.  And I can still hold my own.

3 - How to speak P.  "If you were me, and you had been working on a spreadsheet about Germ-X sales in flu season 2007, what would you have called it?  And where would you have filed it?"

2 - Approved stops.  Not all places make the cut.  In fact, very few do for a road trip.  But Flying J always does.

1 - Excel.  Yep, pretty much the whole thing.  I could open Excel and do basic things, but anything I can do beyond that came from P.  And I know I'm not the only one she's taught.  She be good like that.

So Happy!  Happy! P!  Sorry this is so late, but I hope it brings a smile now and makes you feel special today!

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