Tuesday, June 17, 2014

The B You Never Knew # 4 - Boys Have It Easy

This is our fourth and final story in our little "The B You Never Knew" side series.  I hope you have enjoyed reading these.  I have enjoyed re-reading and posting them for you.  I have resisted the temptation to edit these (other than changing the names to protect the innocent) as I wanted to share them just as they had been shared before.  This last story may be my favorite of the bunch - although I do like the light bulb and Oreo cookie jar stories a whole lot, too!  But in many ways this story typifies B, and her uncanny ability to cut through all the fluff and sum a situation up in one line...

Boys Have It Easy

B was about 10 years old at the time.  I don’t recall what prompted the subject, but I remember that the three of us were in the dining room around the computer.  It was one of those unexpected teachable moments that happen all the time if we are attentive to them.  Thankfully S was there to help me with this one.

As I said, I don’t remember how we got onto the subject, but we were there.  Talking about the changes that B would be experiencing as she became a teenager and a young woman.  (Why do I suddenly have flashbacks of 6th grade health class?)  Anyway there is one change that girls have experienced since Eve that when you first think about as a new concept, it seems incredulous that it could really work this way.  Without being too graphic we were describing to B something that normally happens on a cyclical, regular, monthly basis. 

The look on her face was priceless.  This was clearly all new information to her, and why anyone would design the plumbing to function this way was beyond her imagination to grasp.

After a moment of pause, she turns to S and asks, “You do this?”

S just smiled and shook her head yes.

Then B turns to me and asks, “And you do this?”

“Yes, going on about 30 years, if truth be told,” I replied.

“Ok, I’m gonna what again?” she queries for confirmation.

We reassure her that this is how it all works.

She has heard enough.  She stands there a few moments longer, looks from one to the other with this same look of astonishment and disbelief, hoping against hope that we will tell her we were just joking.  But alas, we don’t back off from our story.

Finally with pure and innocent disgust and a sigh of resignation that some things are beyond her ability to comprehend, she walks away with a simple summation based on a 10-year old‘s wisdom….


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