Thursday, December 5, 2013

Happy! Happy! Birthday to A!

A's birthday is today!!  Happy!  Happy! A!

I love this lady who married my son.  And since I've already talked about how excited I am about the Sound of Music show, I thought I would use this post to tell you how much I love her.

Did I tell you I'm excited about the Sound of Music coming on?  Did I tell you that it's on tonight?  On NBC?  That it is a live presentation?  I'm watching and recording, cause I'm just that excited and excited beats snarky any day of the week.

Especially on A's birthday!! 

So here are the Top 5 Things I love about A...

# 5 - She is a giver.  A gives all the time, the best kind of giving.  A gives of herself.  She gives with thought and from her creativity.  Such as this quilt she made for her littlest nephew. 
A comes by her quilt giving skills from her mama, and she has taught S some of them.  As she likes to say it, she married a real renaissance man.

# 4 - She comes up with the best gifts.  She almost always "wins" the best gift given award. We draw names every year for Christmas gifts.  I've probably told this story before, but it's such a great story I just can't help myself from telling it again.  A had K's name last year.  We give gift ideas on our slips of paper.  K wrote: "Call A at Mid-America Arms.  He will tell you."  Seriously.  I'm almost positive that is a direct quote except it may have included a phone number, too.  It's like A at Mid-America Arms is K's own personal shopping assistant or something.  And if you know A at all, you know that A isn't so much your firearms savvy sort of gal.  (She can take down a that story below...but she won't likely be taking down that opossum with a firearm of any sort.)  So off A goes to Mid-America Arms.  Now keep in mind that this was last year, right after the Newtown, Connecticut shooting, when gun control talks were all over the news again, so to say Mid-America Arms was busy is an understatement.  And Mid-America A (MAA from now on in this story) was busy.  A was asked if she needed help, and she said that she needed to see MAA.  This helpful person pointed out MAA, so A walked over to MAA and waited.  45 minutes A waited.  And it's not like A is overly interested in the merchandise that MAA has on display.  Nope, MAA doesn't display quilt materials or music or art stuff or photography things.  MAA displays firearms.  So A waits.  Like the patient lady that A is. 
<insert 45 minutes here>
Finally MAA is free and asks A how he can help her.  And A proceeds to tell her story. 
"Are you MAA?"
"Yes, I'm MAA."
"And you know K?" A asks.
"K?  K?  Hmmm...I don't know any K," MAA replies.
"K? KW?  You don't know K?" A asks, afraid she has been waiting 45 minutes in the wrong firearms store.
MAA has compassion on A, and stops pulling her leg.  "Yea, I know K.  How can I help you?"
A says that K says MAA will know what K wants for Christmas.  And sure enough MAA points A to the right stuff.  But MAA says that since this is K, A can't just wrap up a box of shells and hand it to K.  Nope, K needs to work a tie each bullet to fishing line and hang them all together. 
By this time A and MAA are old buds, ready to bond over coffee and donuts, so A takes a couple of pics of the two of them and heads home full of ideas on how best to give her gift to K.
And she comes up with it.  A doesn't use fishing line, but she does individually wrap every last one of those bullets for K to unwrap along with the pics of her bonding experience with MAA.
Great story or what? 
# 3 - A can take down a opossum.  At Thanksgiving, K's mom, D, told the story of the day that they found a opossum in the bathroom.  Yes, that's right.  A opossum.  In the bathroom.  It's not like they live in the country.  They live in the city.  Very much in the city, but due to some water damage, they ended up with a opossum in the bathroom.  Now D's husband, J, promptly closed the door and said "There's a opossum in the bathroom!" and wouldn't go back in.  So D and K, head into the bathroom and corner the opossum to capture it.  Which prompted me to say something about being glad G is the kind of guy who would take care of the opossum, cause I sure wouldn't be able to do it.  That, in turn, prompts S to ask how A would handle it.  And A?  Country girl that A is?  Said she could do it.  She'd be all over that opossum. 
A.  Is one tough chick.  Gotta love it.
# 2 - A loves S.  She is the best wife a mother could ever hope for her son.  S&A fit together great.  As one of the pastors' at their wedding said, "God did good" when describing these two finding each other.  I mean, could they be any cuter?
They're even cuter up close...

And the # 1 thing I love about A....she loves God.  She loves God even more than she loves S.  And she loves S with all her heart, but with whatever else makes up all her heart, she loves God that much more, too.  (Try not to think about it from a math point of view.  Math doesn't apply in all places.)

Now, if money and time and resources were no object, here are the Top 5 things I would get A for her birthday...

# 5 - A lifetime supply of Angel Biscuits.
# 4 - Her very own sewing room, fully stocked with fabric and thread and quilting stuff and enough room to teach whomever she wanted plus a door that can lock out the rest of the world for those times when she wants to sew by herself for as long as she wants.
# 3 - The perfect chocolate strawberry pie...once I figure out that recipe!
# 2 - Her very own dark room right next door to her sewing room. And,
The # 1 thing I would get A for her birthday if money, time and resources were no object...
...A supersonic train to connect A's house to her family across the state so she could see them any time she wanted in < 1 hour's time.

Happy!  Happy!  Birthday A!  We love you!

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