Wednesday, November 6, 2013

25 days...Games

I love games. 

My favorite games fall into two categories - those that make us use our brains and those that make us laugh.  The best games are the ones that combine the two.

Like Buzzword.  Or like Say Anything.  Or like Catch Phrase.  Or even a simple, homemade version of Charades.  Or a really old-fashioned game called "Penny Penny" where one team secretly passes a penny between each other and then the other team calls "hands down!" The first team slams their hands down on the table, and the second team tries to guess which hand has the penny under it.  We played it last summer at the family reunion - and it isn't as simple as it may sound...and yet it is simple...a connection to a simpler time...and fun.

This post isn't intended to be an advertisement for any of the games with the hyperlinks, but I love a good family and friend game night.  And these have brought some of the best memories of laughter to me. 

I remember one time we were playing a game as a family - and I can't even remember the game for sure now - but my son-in-law, K, had one of the question or answer cards in his hand, and he starts to scroll down the side of the card like it's a smart phone and there's going to be more answers scroll into view.  Fun stuff.

One of our best get togethers this past summer was with some friends and we played Catch Phrase.  We laughed a lot that night, and it was especially fun to see the competitive nature come out in my friend, J...something I had never seen before but loved learning about her.

One of my best memories from S&K's wedding days was playing Buzzword with the family after her bridal shower - eating leftovers and playing this game.  We laughed a lot that night, and I got to catch a glimpse of my future - the great dynamics between brother and sister and their spouses. 

One other vivid memory I have involving a game night is playing Mexican Train with a few friends, two of whom are a bit older.  It was very clear that they got the most pleasure out of playing the game since they don't play so often any more.

This post isn't intended to ignore other games either.  Such as sports games.  Or video games.  Or phone games.  They all have their place, and I am just as guilty as the next one about playing games on my phone too much.  Words with Friends anyone?

It's just a simple acknowledgement that I like games, and I'm thankful for them.  For the memories they bring.  For the kinship they help build.  (How old fashioned is that word??)  For the laughter.  For the brain sharpness they foster.

That's all.  I like games.  Not a particularly memorable DD.  No pics.  Just a few memories centered around games.

Oh, and I like pie, too.  I'm always thankful for pie.

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